Car Insurance versus Cherished Car Number Plates Insurance.
A huge debate has broken out between insurance companies and cherished number dealers over the plans to increase premiums on vehicles that have a DVLA personalised number plates.
The Cherished Number plate industry has clear evidence that the "scaremongering" for having cherished car registrations insured was a myth created by a Sutton Coldfield based company that listed insuring car registrations a side line of it's depleting number plate business.
Insurance giants such as Direct Line have confirmed to that they have never charged extra, nor will for a vehicle with personalised DVLA number plate.
Direct Line are market leaders in the UK Car Insurance Market and even issue free replacement insurance certificates to all their customers. Registrations 4 Vehicles are proud to be long term clients of Direct Line and hope that they continue in business together for many years. All transfers of number plates are fully registered via DVLA Swansea.
Read up on different types of number plates styles at